L4 Lab
Language, Learning, Literacy, Lexicon

Build airplanes out of legos

  • Constructive Play

Blow up balloons and play with them

  • Gross motor

Read a book and talk about cats

  • Book

Categories of Play

Fine Motor

Fine Motor focuses on small controlled movements. Often overlaps with Creative Play.

Gross Motor

Gross Motor includes jumping, or anything using large muscle movement. Gross Motor activities are great for children that have LOTS of energy!

Constructive Play

Building with Legos, blocks and more!

Sensory Play

Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates the child's senses: examples of sensory play include using shaving cream or a dry bean bin.


Dialogic Reading helps make the word that you are focusing on POP!

Games with Rules

Games with Rules include games like Simon Says and Duck, Duck, Goose.

Words that work with this Activity
Activity Description
Materials that work with this Activity
Now we can imagine what the Parents page might look like...
Now we can imagine what the Interventionists page might look like...
Now we can imagine what the About page might look like...